Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 99!

So we made it! 99 days in 2010 to win. And I have. I have grown so much in business in the last year. More in the last 99 days! Thank you for your support. I hope that you have learned and grown as much, if not more than I have. I hope you'll continue on with me in 2011! We're gonna get our blessin' in 2011! I will send you a link to continue to read business info, give advice etc.

Hope you and your family have a wonderful new year celebration!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Day 74-95

Merry Christmas!!!!

Wow what a journey it has been. These past few weeks have been so busy with concerets and end of the school year activities. But I am so blessed to see another Christmas day and celebrate the birth of Christ. Business has still been grand, although it's been busy but there's still room for growth. So get ready for what we have in store for 2011. There's a lot to come! A new blog, a new website, a new book etc. So be ready!

I hope you enjoy your holiday season and time with family and friends! God bless you!

-Garrison Prosperity Solutions

Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 73

So today I had a great meeting with a woman from one of my businesses and it was EXCELLENT!!!! I'm so excited for all that is to come and all the potential I have. We discussed a lot of things. There are several things we all need to make sure we are aware of before we get are businesses off the ground...

1. Are you teachable or coachable? If you are not, then your business will probably suffer. A great saying is, "Don't try to reinvent the wheel"! So true! The people you work with, that have already built their businesses and are successful have a lot of knowledge. And as much as we think we know, sometimes trying to do such NEW things can damage our businesses. If we listen to these people we will probably build a great and successful businesses. So be coachable and listen!!!!

2. Tax benefits! You have to be very knowledgeable of the tax benefits you have as a small business owner. I have given you the website to check out some of those benefits. You just have to make sure you keep organized files of all the things you are doing in your business. Check out the website:

There is plenty more you need to know, but these are great starters.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Days 67- 72

So a lot has been going on, but it's all been good. It's holiday time, so as a music teacher I have a lot of concerts coming up that I'm doing a lot of preperation for. So, I've had a lot of rehearsals etc. BUT I'm still building my business and looking for people that are ready to change their life for their New Year Resolution! If that's you, then we need to talk. Besides making money, there are so many benefits to owning your own business and I just want to get the word out. Don't have too many more days to go in 2010 but excited for what more is to come!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 66

Its Friday. Busy day but always looking for people. Hopefully going to the mall later tonight so I will keep looking for people!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 65

Busy day. But check out this great social network for women building a business when you get a chance.

check out my website:

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Day 64 - How to get free LEADS for your business

It says it all at this site, This system will help to generate hundreds of leads on autopilot for your business. The great thing about this system is that it's all ONLINE! So you don't have to leave the comfort of your house, go out and meet people and send them to your site etc. These people are looking for you! So it's an excellent system. Check it out and let me know what you think...

visit my website: