Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 73

So today I had a great meeting with a woman from one of my businesses and it was EXCELLENT!!!! I'm so excited for all that is to come and all the potential I have. We discussed a lot of things. There are several things we all need to make sure we are aware of before we get are businesses off the ground...

1. Are you teachable or coachable? If you are not, then your business will probably suffer. A great saying is, "Don't try to reinvent the wheel"! So true! The people you work with, that have already built their businesses and are successful have a lot of knowledge. And as much as we think we know, sometimes trying to do such NEW things can damage our businesses. If we listen to these people we will probably build a great and successful businesses. So be coachable and listen!!!!

2. Tax benefits! You have to be very knowledgeable of the tax benefits you have as a small business owner. I have given you the website to check out some of those benefits. You just have to make sure you keep organized files of all the things you are doing in your business. Check out the website:

There is plenty more you need to know, but these are great starters.

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